
Group meeting talking about the dual diagnosis treatment near Delphos

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Near Delphos, Ohio

 For some people, conventional rehab just doesn’t work. They attend addiction recovery programs, they try their best, but they still feel an intense need to drink or use drugs. For these individuals, they are most likely suffering from a combination of mental illness and substance abuse. These are called co-occurring disorders, and the only...
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Quiz am I alcoholic infographic

Is Addiction Genetic? Understanding Your Risk for a Drug or Alcohol Use Disorder

There is a link between genetics and addiction. In fact, some studies show hereditary factors make up about 50-75% of substance abuse and addiction. Here’s how to know if you’re at risk. Is Addiction Genetic or Learned? For a very long time, scientists, academics, and others debated the question of nature vs. nurture. They wanted...
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4 Alternatives to Benzodiazepines for Anxiety in 2021

 Occasional anxiety is a part of life. However, if worry and stress are so prevalent that day-to-day responsibilities or quality of life are affected, an anxiety disorder may be the reason. Anxiety disorders are widespread in the United States, affecting nearly 20 percent of the population during any given year. One of the most...
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Anxiety Disorders

Managing Anxiety Disorders

Empowering Strategies for Managing Anxiety Disorders Introduction: Anxiety disorders can be overwhelming, affecting every aspect of your life. The good news is that there are effective strategies and techniques that can help you manage and alleviate the impact of anxiety. In this guide, we’ll explore a range of approaches to empower you on your journey...
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Anxiety awareness Ohio

Anxiety Awareness: What’s Your Risk?

It’s not uncommon for everybody to experience anxiety every so often. Things like moving, getting a new job, socializing in the COVID-19 pandemic, things like this are all situations that could cause some nerves. But when those nerves or worries turn into something more persistent and pressing, there could be underlying issues of anxiety. And...
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