
Substance Drug Abuse statics infographic

A Guide to Seeking Substance Abuse Treatment for Veterans in Ohio

Substance abuse disorders are common in veterans, including issues with alcohol, prescription medications, illegal drugs, and more. Here’s a rundown on statistics about veteran substance abuse and how to find veteran substance abuse treatment in Ohio. Veteran Substance Abuse Statistics   Statistics can help you understand the challenges veterans face in living with substance use...
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Addictive Prescription Drugs on the table

Prescription Drug Detox Near Lima, Ohio

 Prescription drug use in Ohio has increased in the years following COVID. This has been due, in part, to the immense increase in prescriptions used to treat mental health conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression among Ohio residents. In addition, prescription drug abuse has also gone up since the Coronavirus outbreak leaving many people...
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Quiz am I alcoholic infographic

Is Addiction Genetic? Understanding Your Risk for a Drug or Alcohol Use Disorder

There is a link between genetics and addiction. In fact, some studies show hereditary factors make up about 50-75% of substance abuse and addiction. Here’s how to know if you’re at risk. Is Addiction Genetic or Learned? For a very long time, scientists, academics, and others debated the question of nature vs. nurture. They wanted...
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Emotional Sobriety

Emotional Sobriety: What Is It, and Do You Need It?

For some people, it’s possible to stop abusing a substance but continue to have an active addiction. Physical sobriety is when a person stops drinking alcohol or using drugs entirely. However, some individuals find staying emotionally sober after leaving treatment centers incredibly difficult. If you are one of them, you might be struggling with emotional...
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Are Nootropics Addictive? What You Need to Know About Smart Drugs

Nootropics, also called ‘smart drugs,’ promise an easy way to boost performance at work, in school, or even to excel in video games. However, as with any drug, it’s helpful to know how their effects and risks. Most importantly, you need to answer the question, ‘Are nootropics addictive?’ Today, we’ll dig into the nitty gritty...
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patient taking pills

Medication for Addiction Treatment: What You Need To Know

If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, medication can potentially help you safely detox from drugs and minimize withdrawal symptoms. At Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital, we offer medically supervised detox services, which helps you successfully start your path to recovery in a safe manner. Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital can help you learn about medications for addiction...
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