
Group meeting talking about the dual diagnosis treatment near Delphos

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Near Delphos, Ohio

 For some people, conventional rehab just doesn’t work. They attend addiction recovery programs, they try their best, but they still feel an intense need to drink or use drugs. For these individuals, they are most likely suffering from a combination of mental illness and substance abuse. These are called co-occurring disorders, and the only...
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Quit Drinking while using Chantix - illustration

Why You Shouldn’t Combine Chantix and Alcohol

 When you take a look at the side effects of Champix, Chantix, Varenicline or Tyrvaya, a drug meant to help people stop smoking cigarettes, you will learn that Chantix has an effect on alcohol use as well. Specifically, taking Chantix can reduce the user’s tolerance for drinking alcohol. Naturally, this leaves people wondering whether...
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4 Alternatives to Benzodiazepines for Anxiety in 2021

 Occasional anxiety is a part of life. However, if worry and stress are so prevalent that day-to-day responsibilities or quality of life are affected, an anxiety disorder may be the reason. Anxiety disorders are widespread in the United States, affecting nearly 20 percent of the population during any given year. One of the most...
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patient taking pills

Medication for Addiction Treatment: What You Need To Know

If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, medication can potentially help you safely detox from drugs and minimize withdrawal symptoms. At Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital, we offer medically supervised detox services, which helps you successfully start your path to recovery in a safe manner. Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital can help you learn about medications for addiction...
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best treatment for schizophrenia

What Are the Best Treatments for Schizophrenia

Mental health therapies are always evolving as new research develops. And this is particularly true with schizophrenia, which is often considered to be one of the most severe mental health conditions. While it is always important for people who need it to seek mental health care, this is doubly true of individuals living with schizophrenia,...
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