
8 signs alcohol poisoning infographic

8 Signs of Alcohol Poisoning: What to Do in an Alcohol Emergency

Many people enjoy alcohol on special occasions and at friendly gatherings. However, if you or someone else is in physical distress from drinking too much, the happy times may seem far away. Alcohol overdose is a dangerous condition. Yet, how can you tell if it is happening to you or a friend? Here are the...
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Phases of alcohol detox infographic

Life After Alcohol: What You Need to Know About Quitting Alcohol

What does life after alcoholism look like? Quitting alcohol may be one of the most difficult challenges of your life. However, the more you know, the better you can deal with detox and daily living afterward. Here, you will find answers to many of the questions you may have about getting back to the life...
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Common Symptoms of Amphetamine

What Forms Does Meth Come In? Understanding Meth Types and Street Names

Understanding meth in all its forms and uses may be more complicated than most people realize. To really get the full picture, you need to know what it is and its street names, symptoms, and consequences. Once you realize how addictive and destructive meth is, you may be ready to seek help for yourself or...
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Man sleeping holding a alcohol buddle

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Since drinking is socially accepted in many cultures, it can be challenging to spot the difference between a person who likes to have a few drinks to relax and someone with a real problem. Unfortunately, alcohol use disorder is a serious issue that affects people from all walks of life. Thankfully, alcohol treatment and rehabilitation...
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symptoms of meth

How to Detox from Meth

 Although many people try to become sober on their own, professional drug therapy is significantly more likely to result in long-term methamphetamine addiction recovery. A medically assisted program from a detox center in Ohio is the first step in battling methamphetamine addiction. Medical methamphetamine detox clinics offer 24-hour medical treatment to people who are...
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Heroin crime scene spoon syringe white drug

How to Detox from Heroin

 The elimination of all traces of intoxicating drugs is the first step on the road to recovery. Detoxification, or “detox,” is a process that is unique to each person, and the consequences of that process range widely depending on the drug. If done incorrectly, heroin detox in Ohio may be a very painful experience....
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Chronic Pancreatitis healthy vs Inflamed - infographic

Pancreatitis and Alcohol: How Drinking Harms Vital Organs

 Chronic alcohol abuse can result in a variety of concerning health conditions. In fact, nearly every part of the body is impacted by alcohol use. One potentially serious illness associated with alcoholism is pancreatitis. In short, if you are concerned about pancreatitis, alcohol should absolutely be avoided. Learn more about what pancreatitis is, how...
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man drinking alcohol having mental break

Dealing with an Addiction and Mental Health Disorder at the Same Time

A substance use disorder coupled with one or more mental health disorders can have serious consequences. In order to take hold, the rehabilitation process for individuals with a dual diagnosis in Ohio must be clinical, educational, and therapeutic. Those with co-occurring disorders will get specialized treatment from our board-certified medical and therapeutic experts, who will collaborate to appropriately diagnose...
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psychosis - illustration

What Substances Cause Drug-Induced Psychosis?

Psychosis is a mental health condition that causes a break from reality. This means that a person undergoing a psychotic episode cannot decipher between what is real and what is not. And sometimes, substance abuse can cause brief psychotic episodes, known as drug-induced psychosis. In some cases, substance abuse can lead to the realization that...
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Woman looking outside - Illustration

The Advantages of Medically Supervised Detox

Making a choice to stop using drugs and alcohol and enter a medically assisted detox in Ohio is a significant first step toward recovery. If you’ve never been to drug or alcohol treatment before, you’re likely to have a lot of preconceived notions. You may recall scenes from movies or television shows depicting individuals going...
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