
Group meeting talking about outpatient alcohol treatment

Outpatient Alcohol Treatment: What Is It?

Alcoholism is on the rise in the United States. According to a recent study from the Journal of the America Medical Association, one in eight adults meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorder. Alcoholism is a serious disease, but it is treatable. Outpatient alcohol treatment gives clients the benefit of medical care, individual therapy,...
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person feeling the symptoms of cocaine

Symptoms of Cocaine Use: How to Identify Substance Abuse

 Cocaine is a highly addictive substance. What starts off as a seemingly harmless experiment can quickly spiral into life-threatening addiction that can have serious personal, professional, and financial consequences. That said, many people are unaware of the signs and symptoms of cocaine use. Questions like, “what does cocaine look like?” or “what does cocaine...
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How Long Does It Take to Detox from Meth - infographic

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Meth

 An antidote for meth addiction? Doctors say it’s quite possible – Sodium Chloride injection. The video above discusses an experimental treatment that successfully helped 10 out of 10 patients overcome meth addiction. This treatment involves a combination of medication and therapy, potentially offering a breakthrough in addiction recovery.   How long does it take...
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Group meeting talking about the dual diagnosis treatment near Delphos

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Near Delphos, Ohio

 For some people, conventional rehab just doesn’t work. They attend addiction recovery programs, they try their best, but they still feel an intense need to drink or use drugs. For these individuals, they are most likely suffering from a combination of mental illness and substance abuse. These are called co-occurring disorders, and the only...
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Addiction items on the table, alcohol, drugs, cigars and pills

Chemical Dependency in Ohio – Addiction Help

 The state of Ohio has a long history of chemical dependency and addiction. For example, the state was hit hard by the opioid epidemic in early the 2000s. In fact, Ohio was so affected by the opioid crisis that overdose deaths became the leading cause of injury-related fatalities beginning in 2007. Unfortunately, since the...
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Schizophrenia highlighted on the dictionary - illustration

Drug-Induced Schizophrenia: Who’s at Risk?

 Taking drugs comes with a long list of risks and side effects that range from mild to life-threatening. But what many people don’t know is that certain drugs can actually trigger severe mental health crises. One of these events is known as drug-induced schizophrenia. Today, we’ll take a look at what drug-induced schizophrenia is,...
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Depression Awareness: Signs of Depression & Addiction

What is Depression?  For most of us, feeling depressed is a very normal part of life. Following the loss of a loved one or some of life’s tougher challenges, feeling sad or depressed is all but expected. However, when that sadness becomes intense, includes feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, and lasts for many days...
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Are you taking SSRI - illustration

Serotonin Syndrome: Are You at Risk?

 Serotonin syndrome is a serious, life-threatening medical condition that can happen to people who are trying to better their mental health. If you are somebody who takes medications for your mental health, you might be at risk for this condition and all of its complicated symptoms. Below, you will find all the information you...
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Drug Trends: Middle Point Ohio Overdose Deaths Increased

 By now it is evident that drug overdose deaths increased substantially due to a variety of issues surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. However, in Middle Point, Ohio, overdose deaths increased at a noticeably greater rate than in the rest of the country. Learn more about drug trends and how to find help for yourself or...
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Quit Drinking while using Chantix - illustration

Why You Shouldn’t Combine Chantix and Alcohol

 When you take a look at the side effects of Champix, Chantix, Varenicline or Tyrvaya, a drug meant to help people stop smoking cigarettes, you will learn that Chantix has an effect on alcohol use as well. Specifically, taking Chantix can reduce the user’s tolerance for drinking alcohol. Naturally, this leaves people wondering whether...
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