

Drug Trends: Middle Point Ohio Overdose Deaths Increased

 By now it is evident that drug overdose deaths increased substantially due to a variety of issues surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. However, in Middle Point, Ohio, overdose deaths increased at a noticeably greater rate than in the rest of the country. Learn more about drug trends and how to find help for yourself or...
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Quit Drinking while using Chantix - illustration

Why You Shouldn’t Combine Chantix and Alcohol

 When you take a look at the side effects of Champix, Chantix, Varenicline or Tyrvaya, a drug meant to help people stop smoking cigarettes, you will learn that Chantix has an effect on alcohol use as well. Specifically, taking Chantix can reduce the user’s tolerance for drinking alcohol. Naturally, this leaves people wondering whether...
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Do Addictive Personality Traits Predict Addiction?

 An addictive personality refers to a combination of addictive traits that, in theory, predispose a person to addiction. However, the concept of the addictive personality is debated. So what are addictive personality traits and do they really offer insight into future addictions? Learn more about the most frequently reported addictive personality traits and how they...
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The 5 Stages of Recovery: Everything You Need to Know

When you are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, recovery can seem like an impossible task. However, the substance abuse recovery process is actually something that you can achieve once you know about the five stages of recovery. Through the stages of recovery, you will learn where to start with your recovery treatment...
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4 Alternatives to Benzodiazepines for Anxiety in 2021

 Occasional anxiety is a part of life. However, if worry and stress are so prevalent that day-to-day responsibilities or quality of life are affected, an anxiety disorder may be the reason. Anxiety disorders are widespread in the United States, affecting nearly 20 percent of the population during any given year. One of the most...
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Crystal Meth Addiction: New Treatments on the Horizon

 Crystal meth addiction is an incredibly challenging disorder to beat, and many people struggling with this substance use disorder are left wondering how to get off of meth safely and effectively. However, there are new, groundbreaking treatment options that could help you begin your journey toward recovery. With this new treatment, you might be...
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Can the Liver Heal Itself? Recovering from Alcohol Addiction

You might be familiar with the fact that drinking alcohol can cause many different health complications, including liver damage. However, the liver functions differently from other organs in the human body. Rather than developing scar tissue right away when it is damaged, the liver works to reverse the damage to a certain extent. This leaves...
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woman without sleep quality

What’s the Connection Between Sleep Quality and Addiction Recovery?

Finding long-term addiction recovery involves more than just getting and staying sober. Recovery is a process that involves your mental, emotional, and physical health. However, poor sleep quality can greatly impact your ability to recover.  So, what exactly is the connection between sleep quality and addiction recovery? We’re sharing why it’s so important to have...
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What to Expect at Inpatient Treatment Facilities

Making the decision to look into Inpatient treatment facilities can open a pathway to long term recovery. Whether you’re struggling with a mental illness like depression or anxiety, you’re struggling with an addiction, or both, checking into an inpatient facility where you can focus on your health 24 hours a day, seven days a week...
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xanax detox

Xanax Detox: Find a Treatment Center

Xanax (alprazolam), like many drugs, is highly addictive. Many people become addicted to the drug’s sedative effects. Xanax dependency happens more quickly than most people realize. When the drug is taken regularly, withdrawal symptoms may appear once it leaves your system. Xanax detox is best managed under medical care at a rehab facility.  Many clients...
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