
man headache

ADHD and Addiction

Researchers have identified a connection between ADHD and addiction, wherein having ADHD predisposes one to develop a substance use disorder, especially if their ADHD is undiagnosed or untreated. But while this connection is undeniable, the causes behind it are more complex. Keep reading to learn about the link between ADHD and addiction, and what you...
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person with pain

Alcohol Cessation: What You Can Expect from Detoxing

Alcohol cessation isn’t as easy as you might think, especially if you’ve been drinking excessively or using alcohol to cope. When you become reliant on a substance, it’s hard to give it up. And it doesn’t help that quitting something that makes you feel good initially comes with some pretty painful side effects. Nor does it help that alcohol...
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Woman talking to therapist

How FMLA for Rehab Can Protect Your Job While You Get Help

If you’re considering going to rehab, you probably have a few concerns. Among those, one of the biggest is most likely, “How can I keep my job while I go to rehab?” But there is good news on that front—the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, already exists to protect workers’ jobs while they...
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patient taking pills

Medication for Addiction Treatment: What You Need To Know

If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, medication can potentially help you safely detox from drugs and minimize withdrawal symptoms. At Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital, we offer medically supervised detox services, which helps you successfully start your path to recovery in a safe manner. Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital can help you learn about medications for addiction...
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best treatment for schizophrenia

What Are the Best Treatments for Schizophrenia

Mental health therapies are always evolving as new research develops. And this is particularly true with schizophrenia, which is often considered to be one of the most severe mental health conditions. While it is always important for people who need it to seek mental health care, this is doubly true of individuals living with schizophrenia,...
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While in recovery, I learned a lot about my addiction

James’ Testimonial: A Journey to Redemption

James is an alumni patient at Ridgeview Hospital. He went through our program three times before achieving long term recovery. His first stint of treatment was in April of 2016, when his neighbor put on an intervention for James. The First Treatment At first, James was apprehensive about receiving treatment. Like many people in need...
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