
10 reasons to start rehab before the holidays - illustration

10 Reasons to Start Rehab Before the Holidays This Year

No matter how much you love your family and friends, it’s no secret that the holidays are a difficult time of year for a lot of people. Yes, it’s a time to celebrate, but it’s also hard to enjoy the holiday season when you’re struggling with a substance use disorder. Moreover, pressure to “perform” for...
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Hands holding hospital logo

Which Ohio Rehab for Alcohol Can Help You?

If you’re searching for an Ohio rehab for alcohol, congratulations! You’ve made a big step in your recovery journey, and you’ve already cleared the first hurdle in quitting drinking. But if you’re not familiar with addiction treatment, it can be hard to figure out which alcohol addiction treatment centers in Ohio really work. That’s why...
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Person refusing to drink alcohol

Struggling with Alcohol Cravings? 6 Tactics to Fight the Urge to Drink

Alcohol cravings can be intense. When they come, it can be incredibly hard to push past them through sheer force of will. Yet, if you have cravings but want to quit alcohol, how can you know how to fight the urge to drink? It helps to plan ahead and know what you will do when...
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group therapy at Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital

Alcohol Rehab in Ohio: Get the Best Treatment for Alcoholism

Did you know that alcohol use disorder affects over 14.5 million people in the United States alone. In fact, nearly one in five adults in Ohio engaged in either binge drinking or heavy drinking over the past month. Thankfully, there is reliable, professional support if you’re looking for an alcohol rehab in Ohio. Everyone’s recovery...
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