
woman drinking alcohol near family child

A Guide for Family Members of Addicts: How to Seek Support

Addiction can have a major impact on family members. In this guide for family members of addicts, you can learn how to help your addicted loved one find treatment. Beyond that, you can learn how to seek support and care for yourself as you deal with the effects of your family member’s addiction. Effects of...
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hand holding pills

How People Become Addicted to Prescription Drugs: Risks, Prevention, & Treatment

Many people accidentally develop an addiction to prescription drugs. Even though they are being monitored and supervised by a doctor, it is just too easy to misuse these powerful substances. Here, you can learn about prescription drug abuse risk factors, as well as the signs of addiction and how to seek help. Prescription Drugs That...
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10 Most Common Drugs Abuse by Teens

Teen Drug Abuse: The 10 Most Common Addictive Drugs Used by Teens

Teen drug abuse can be incredibly dangerous, and it often goes undetected by parents. Here’s an overview on how to tell if your teen might be abusing drugs and the most common addictive drugs teens use. Why Teens Abuse Drugs Understanding the reasons for teen drug abuse may be the first step in noticing whether...
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Man holding alcohol drink

Can Alcohol Make You Suicidal?

Alcohol abuse and getting drunk can put you at higher risk of committing suicide. That’s especially true if you already suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts.  Here’s how alcohol and suicide are linked and why you should seek treatment if you’re concerned. Links Between Alcohol and Suicide Alcohol use has been prevalent for thousands of...
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Childhood Trauma infographic

The Link Between Trauma and Addiction

Unfortunately, experiencing a traumatic event, especially in childhood, can have negative outcomes if not resolved. For example, substance abuse and addiction can arise from these issues. In this blog, we’ll explore this link between trauma and addiction and explain why dual diagnosis treatment is so important for dealing with these co-occurring disorders. What Is Childhood...
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8 signs alcohol poisoning infographic

8 Signs of Alcohol Poisoning: What to Do in an Alcohol Emergency

Many people enjoy alcohol on special occasions and at friendly gatherings. However, if you or someone else is in physical distress from drinking too much, the happy times may seem far away. Alcohol overdose is a dangerous condition. Yet, how can you tell if it is happening to you or a friend? Here are the...
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Substance Drug Abuse statics infographic

A Guide to Seeking Substance Abuse Treatment for Veterans in Ohio

Substance abuse disorders are common in veterans, including issues with alcohol, prescription medications, illegal drugs, and more. Here’s a rundown on statistics about veteran substance abuse and how to find veteran substance abuse treatment in Ohio. Veteran Substance Abuse Statistics   Statistics can help you understand the challenges veterans face in living with substance use...
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Phases of alcohol detox infographic

Life After Alcohol: What You Need to Know About Quitting Alcohol

What does life after alcoholism look like? Quitting alcohol may be one of the most difficult challenges of your life. However, the more you know, the better you can deal with detox and daily living afterward. Here, you will find answers to many of the questions you may have about getting back to the life...
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Common Symptoms of Amphetamine

What Forms Does Meth Come In? Understanding Meth Types and Street Names

Understanding meth in all its forms and uses may be more complicated than most people realize. To really get the full picture, you need to know what it is and its street names, symptoms, and consequences. Once you realize how addictive and destructive meth is, you may be ready to seek help for yourself or...
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5 Ways to Prepare for Sobriety illustration

Overcoming Addiction: 5 Ways to Prepare for Sobriety

Overcoming addiction to drugs or alcohol may feel like an uphill battle at times. However, due to the increasing toxicity in today’s black market drug supply, there has never been a better time to get sober. If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired from the cycle of drug abuse, Ohio addiction treatment...
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