
Chronic Pancreatitis healthy vs Inflamed - infographic

Pancreatitis and Alcohol: How Drinking Harms Vital Organs

 Chronic alcohol abuse can result in a variety of concerning health conditions. In fact, nearly every part of the body is impacted by alcohol use. One potentially serious illness associated with alcoholism is pancreatitis. In short, if you are concerned about pancreatitis, alcohol should absolutely be avoided. Learn more about what pancreatitis is, how […]

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Group meeting at Rehab facility - people talking about the benefits of group therapy

Benefits of Group Therapy

 The importance of group therapy in addiction treatment cannot be overstated. Enrolling in alcohol and drug rehabilitation in Middle Town, Ohio is a tremendous accomplishment and a courageous approach toward long-term recovery. However, if you genuinely want to improve your life, you must understand the ideas and feelings that lead to substance addiction, modify your […]

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man drinking alcohol having mental break

Dealing with an Addiction and Mental Health Disorder at the Same Time

A substance use disorder coupled with one or more mental health disorders can have serious consequences. In order to take hold, the rehabilitation process for individuals with a dual diagnosis in Ohio must be clinical, educational, and therapeutic. Those with co-occurring disorders will get specialized treatment from our board-certified medical and therapeutic experts, who will collaborate to appropriately diagnose […]

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woman drinking alcohol

Am I an Alcoholic? – How to Know and What to Do About It

Enjoying alcohol is a popular activity among adults, which can make answering the question, “Am I an alcoholic?” difficult. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 86.3 percent of people ages 18 or older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime. Over half of people reported that they […]

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