
dual diagnosis
A man suffering from undiagnosed dual diagnosis symptoms struggles while self-medicating.

What is Dual Diagnosis?: The Intersection of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

Navigating the complex terrain of mental health and substance abuse can be overwhelming, especially when they co-occur. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the topic of dual diagnosis, shedding light on the various mental health conditions often linked with substance abuse, and why specialized treatment is imperative. Whether you or a loved one...
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Can anxiety cause anger

The Interplay Between Anxiety and Anger: Exploring the Connection Introduction: Anxiety and anger are complex emotions that often intertwine in unexpected ways. While anxiety is commonly associated with fear and worry, it can also manifest as anger. In this guide, we’ll delve into the relationship between anxiety and anger, examining how one emotion can trigger...
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Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder Ohio

Calming an overactive mind

Quieting the Storm: Strategies for Calming an Overactive Mind Introduction: An overactive mind can feel like a whirlwind of thoughts, worries, and distractions that disrupt your peace. The good news is that there are effective techniques to bring calm to the chaos. In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies to help you quiet an overactive...
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Benefits of mindfulness for stress relief

Unveiling the Power of Mindfulness: How It Benefits Stress Relief Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a common companion. Mindfulness, a practice rooted in ancient traditions, has gained widespread recognition for its ability to alleviate stress and promote mental well-being. In this guide, we’ll explore the remarkable benefits of mindfulness as a potent...
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A person reaching for a spilled pill bottle while dealing with substance withdrawal

Coping With Substance Withdrawal Symptoms

Introduction: Going through substance withdrawal can be a challenging experience both physically and emotionally. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone and that there are effective strategies to help you manage withdrawal symptoms. This guide aims to provide you with practical coping techniques to make your journey towards recovery more manageable. 1. Seek Medical...
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Emotional Sobriety

Emotional Sobriety: What Is It, and Do You Need It?

For some people, it’s possible to stop abusing a substance but continue to have an active addiction. Physical sobriety is when a person stops drinking alcohol or using drugs entirely. However, some individuals find staying emotionally sober after leaving treatment centers incredibly difficult. If you are one of them, you might be struggling with emotional...
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Drug Addiction Treatment in Ohio

Drug Addiction Treatment in Ohio

If you’re struggling to overcome drug addiction and the challenges that come with it, it may be time to seek drug addiction treatment in Ohio. You may be hesitant to ask for help, but you’re not alone. Many people see the destructive side of addiction, but that’s not all there is to it. Millions of Americans who...
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Codeine Addiction

Codeine Addiction: Signs and Treatment Options

For some people, codeine provides relief from pain and sickness. But for others, it’s a source of pain and struggle. Codeine addiction is a serious problem that contributes to the devastating opioid epidemic in the United States. Mental health problems and other factors contribute to the damaging impact this substance can have when it’s misused....
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how to administer Narcan

How Opioid Antagonists Protect Against Overdose

Throughout the United States, it is becoming easier for the general public to get their hands on an opioid antagonist. And due to the opioid epidemic, these opioid antagonist kits are actually available at pharmacies over the counter, which means that there is no prescription needed. But what exactly is an opioid antagonist, and can...
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meth addiction recovery

Outlook for Meth Addiction Recovery: Naltrexone for Meth Addiction

Addiction to methamphetamine, or crystal meth, affects millions of Americans each year. And while getting off meth is incredibly difficult, it becomes easier with professional addiction treatment. Of course, the outlook for meth addiction recovery may look different depending on where you get help, and there is some debate as to what makes the best...
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