
Phases of alcohol detox infographic

Life After Alcohol: What You Need to Know About Quitting Alcohol

What does life after alcoholism look like? Quitting alcohol may be one of the most difficult challenges of your life. However, the more you know, the better you can deal with detox and daily living afterward. Here, you will find answers to many of the questions you may have about getting back to the life...
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Addictive Prescription Drugs on the table

Prescription Drug Detox Near Lima, Ohio

 Prescription drug use in Ohio has increased in the years following COVID. This has been due, in part, to the immense increase in prescriptions used to treat mental health conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression among Ohio residents. In addition, prescription drug abuse has also gone up since the Coronavirus outbreak leaving many people...
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symptoms of meth

How to Detox from Meth

 Although many people try to become sober on their own, professional drug therapy is significantly more likely to result in long-term methamphetamine addiction recovery. A medically assisted program from a detox center in Ohio is the first step in battling methamphetamine addiction. Medical methamphetamine detox clinics offer 24-hour medical treatment to people who are...
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Heroin crime scene spoon syringe white drug

How to Detox from Heroin

 The elimination of all traces of intoxicating drugs is the first step on the road to recovery. Detoxification, or “detox,” is a process that is unique to each person, and the consequences of that process range widely depending on the drug. If done incorrectly, heroin detox in Ohio may be a very painful experience....
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Inpatient vs Outpatient group meeting

Choosing an Ohio Drug Rehab: 6 Things to Consider

Checking into an Ohio drug rehab center means making a serious commitment in both time and money. So naturally, you want to find a treatment center that will give you the best chance at long-term recovery. But with all the rehab centers in Ohio, finding the right treatment center for you can seem like an...
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man holding drinking alcohol

How to Talk to Someone with an Addiction

It’s helpful to know what to look for if you’re concerned about a friend or loved one who may require a prescription drug detox in Ohio. The good news is that you can help them more than you would first believe, although professional help may be required to address a major problem like addiction. It...
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Music therapy at Ridgeview

Which Rehabs in Ohio Really Work?

There are a variety of rehabs in Ohio, and many of them use different treatment modalities and approaches. So how do you know which one is right for you? And how are you supposed to choose an Ohio rehabilitation center? To answer these important questions and help you make a good decision, we’ve collected important...
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man arguing with woman Christmas holiday

Rehab Before the Holidays: Starting Recovery

Spending the holidays in a drug and alcohol rehab center may not be your idea of an exciting Thanksgiving or Christmas celebration, but there are actually several reasons why starting rehab before the holidays is more advantageous than you might think. Before you write it off as an option, consider these five benefits of enrolling...
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Woman looking outside - Illustration

The Advantages of Medically Supervised Detox

Making a choice to stop using drugs and alcohol and enter a medically assisted detox in Ohio is a significant first step toward recovery. If you’ve never been to drug or alcohol treatment before, you’re likely to have a lot of preconceived notions. You may recall scenes from movies or television shows depicting individuals going...
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Group meeting talking about rehab program

Benefits of Getting Help at an Addiction Recovery Center

If you’ve recently decided to quit using drugs or alcohol, congratulations! This step marks the beginning of your path toward long-term recovery. While you may feel tempted to simply stop using and go cold turkey at home, but first you should consider the benefits of getting help at a drug and alcohol recovery center. Wanting...
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