
Group meeting at Rehab facility - people talking about the benefits of group therapy

Benefits of Group Therapy

 The importance of group therapy in addiction treatment cannot be overstated. Enrolling in alcohol and drug rehabilitation in Middle Town, Ohio is a tremendous accomplishment and a courageous approach toward long-term recovery. However, if you genuinely want to improve your life, you must understand the ideas and feelings that lead to substance addiction, modify your...
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woman fighting recovery

The Most Important Coping Skills In Recovery

Although many people who suffer from addiction find a way to sobriety, relapse is surprisingly common. In fact, among patients who have entered addiction recovery, 40-60% experience a relapse. While relapsing is not unexpected, it can sometimes come with dangerous consequences. For example, people who recover from addiction and start reusing drugs and alcohol may...
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An image of a woman offering mental illness help to a friend

How to Help Someone with Mental Illness

In any given year, one in five adults in America grapples with mental illness, making the need for mental illness help more crucial than ever. The task of assisting a loved one dealing with mental illness can often feel overwhelming. How do you approach them? What are the available mental health services? And what can...
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Coping with Grief and Loss

Navigating the Path of Grief: Coping with Loss and Finding Healing Introduction: Grief is a natural and complex emotion that follows the loss of a loved one or a significant life change. While it’s a deeply personal journey, there are coping strategies that can help you navigate the pain and find a path towards healing...
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Understanding Mental Health Stigma

Breaking Down Barriers: Understanding Mental Health Stigma Introduction: Mental health stigma is a pervasive issue that can prevent individuals from seeking help, accessing treatment, and living their lives without fear of judgment. In this guide, we’ll delve into the concept of mental health stigma, its effects on individuals and society, and the importance of breaking...
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Benefits of mindfulness for stress relief

Unveiling the Power of Mindfulness: How It Benefits Stress Relief Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a common companion. Mindfulness, a practice rooted in ancient traditions, has gained widespread recognition for its ability to alleviate stress and promote mental well-being. In this guide, we’ll explore the remarkable benefits of mindfulness as a potent...
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Anxiety awareness Ohio

Anxiety Awareness: What’s Your Risk?

It’s not uncommon for everybody to experience anxiety every so often. Things like moving, getting a new job, socializing in the COVID-19 pandemic, things like this are all situations that could cause some nerves. But when those nerves or worries turn into something more persistent and pressing, there could be underlying issues of anxiety. And...
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