
medical detox
Woman looking outside - Illustration

The Advantages of Medically Supervised Detox

Making a choice to stop using drugs and alcohol and enter a medically assisted detox in Ohio is a significant first step toward recovery. If you’ve never been to drug or alcohol treatment before, you’re likely to have a lot of preconceived notions. You may recall scenes from movies or television shows depicting individuals going...
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doctor talking with patient at Middle Point Rehab

Find the Best Drug Rehab Near Middle Point Ohio

Finding the right rehabilitation center is an important step in building a lasting recovery. Over 14,500 drug rehab facilities exist in the United States alone. So, it’s no wonder that finding the best one to get treatment from is a challenge. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to find the best...
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Alcohol Cessation: What You Can Expect from Detoxing

Alcohol cessation isn’t as easy as you might think, especially if you’ve been drinking excessively or using alcohol to cope. When you become reliant on a substance, it’s hard to give it up. And it doesn’t help that quitting something that makes you feel good initially comes with some pretty painful side effects. Nor does it help that alcohol...
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