
addiction recovery
man drinking alcohol having a relapse

What Is Relapse? Understanding Recovery

Addiction is a chronic disease, meaning that it cannot be treated overnight. As a result, relapse is a common part of an individual’s recovery journey. Many people who have successfully recovered from drug or alcohol addiction have experienced a relapse at some point in their journey. While it is a common step in recovery, many...
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man watching drug addiction movie

5 Must-See Movies About Drug Addiction

For many of us, there are few things more relaxing than sitting back and enjoying a good movie. As we relish in the sweet escape from everyday life that a good movie provides, we also relish in its power to spark our emotions and make us laugh until we cry. Yet, movies don’t need to...
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The 5 Stages of Recovery: Everything You Need to Know

When you are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, recovery can seem like an impossible task. However, the substance abuse recovery process is actually something that you can achieve once you know about the five stages of recovery. Through the stages of recovery, you will learn where to start with your recovery treatment...
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Person writing a letter

5 Relapse Prevention Activities to Keep You in Sober Living

The road to recovery is a road without an end. It’s an ever-changing destination, and getting there may get a little easier over time, but there will always be new twists and turns in your journey. The key is to consistently stay engaged in relapse prevention activities. Even traditional 12-step programs aren’t over just because...
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Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Is Best for Your Recovery?

Are you ready to begin rehab but don’t know where to start? The next step in your recovery journey is considering your options for treatment. At The Woods at Parkside, we offer both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs. Both options can be effective, but your unique situation will help determine what level of treatment you...
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Detoxing from Drugs While Pregnant: How to Stay Safe as You Quit

You can and should detox from drugs while pregnant. Choosing to detox from drugs at this time is a noble and courageous decision. Just admitting you are using drugs or alcohol while pregnant can be both embarrassing and terrifying. You may even be tempted to try quitting drugs on your own. However, detoxing alone can...
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Are Nootropics Addictive? What You Need to Know About Smart Drugs

Nootropics, also called ‘smart drugs,’ promise an easy way to boost performance at work, in school, or even to excel in video games. However, as with any drug, it’s helpful to know how their effects and risks. Most importantly, you need to answer the question, ‘Are nootropics addictive?’ Today, we’ll dig into the nitty gritty...
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Medication for Addiction Treatment: What You Need To Know

If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, medication can potentially help you safely detox from drugs and minimize withdrawal symptoms. At Woods at Parkside, we offer medically supervised detox services, which helps you successfully start your path to recovery in a safe manner. The Woods at Parkside can help you learn about medications for...
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