
Music therapy at Ridgeview

Which Rehabs in Ohio Really Work?

There are a variety of rehabs in Ohio, and many of them use different treatment modalities and approaches. So how do you know which one is right for you? And how are you supposed to choose an Ohio rehabilitation center? To answer these important questions and help you make a good decision, we’ve collected important...
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Group meeting at Rehab facility - people talking about the benefits of group therapy

Benefits of Group Therapy

 The importance of group therapy in addiction treatment cannot be overstated. Enrolling in alcohol and drug rehabilitation in Middle Town, Ohio is a tremendous accomplishment and a courageous approach toward long-term recovery. However, if you genuinely want to improve your life, you must understand the ideas and feelings that lead to substance addiction, modify your...
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man drinking alcohol having mental break

Dealing with an Addiction and Mental Health Disorder at the Same Time

A substance use disorder coupled with one or more mental health disorders can have serious consequences. In order to take hold, the rehabilitation process for individuals with a dual diagnosis in Ohio must be clinical, educational, and therapeutic. Those with co-occurring disorders will get specialized treatment from our board-certified medical and therapeutic experts, who will collaborate to appropriately diagnose...
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man drinking alcohol having a relapse

What Is Relapse? Understanding Recovery

Addiction is a chronic disease, meaning that it cannot be treated overnight. As a result, relapse is a common part of an individual’s recovery journey. Many people who have successfully recovered from drug or alcohol addiction have experienced a relapse at some point in their journey. While it is a common step in recovery, many...
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Woman looking outside - Illustration

The Advantages of Medically Supervised Detox

Making a choice to stop using drugs and alcohol and enter a medically assisted detox in Ohio is a significant first step toward recovery. If you’ve never been to drug or alcohol treatment before, you’re likely to have a lot of preconceived notions. You may recall scenes from movies or television shows depicting individuals going...
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Person talking about opioid addiction at Ridgeview

Tramadol: Answering Your Questions About Tramadol Abuse

Tramadol—also known by the brand names Ultram, Conzip, or Rybix ODT—is an opioid painkiller. And as you may know, opioids have become known for their painkilling properties and potential for addiction. Similar to other opioids, tramadol works by acting on certain receptors in the brain to block pain signals. However, tramadol’s painkilling effect is more...
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Addiction items on the table, alcohol, drugs, cigars and pills

Chemical Dependency in Ohio – Addiction Help

 The state of Ohio has a long history of chemical dependency and addiction. For example, the state was hit hard by the opioid epidemic in early the 2000s. In fact, Ohio was so affected by the opioid crisis that overdose deaths became the leading cause of injury-related fatalities beginning in 2007. Unfortunately, since the...
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Drug Trends: Middle Point Ohio Overdose Deaths Increased

 By now it is evident that drug overdose deaths increased substantially due to a variety of issues surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. However, in Middle Point, Ohio, overdose deaths increased at a noticeably greater rate than in the rest of the country. Learn more about drug trends and how to find help for yourself or...
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real meth image

Meth Psychosis: The Hows and Whys of Getting Help

Meth psychosis isn’t something that immediately comes to mind when the general population considers the effects of meth use. Symptoms of meth use, like sores on the face, weight loss, and rotting teeth are more commonly known. However, meth psychosis is a serious symptom of meth use that is estimated to affect up to 40...
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Zombies surrounding a pile of xylazine, or the zombie drug.

The Alarming Rise of the Zombie Drug and Flakka

The term “Zombie Drug” has gripped the public’s imagination, conjuring images of individuals in a trance-like, unresponsive state. This term broadly refers to drugs that drastically alter a person’s behavior and physical appearance, leading to zombie-like characteristics.   In recent years, Xylazine, a veterinary sedative, has become infamously linked to this term due to its...
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