Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder Paulding County, Ohio

Oftentimes, addiction and mental illness go hand in hand. For example, someone living with depression might turn to drugs or alcohol as a means to cope. From there, they may lose loved ones or career opportunities due to substance abuse, which worsens their depression.In this case, we would say that this person has co-occurring disorders; mental health and substance use disorders that developed together. These are the issues that we treat in our co-occurring substance use disorder treatment program.

Why Do Co-Occurring Disorders Need Special Treatment?

co-occurring disorders therapy

At Ridgeview Hospital, we treat cases of mental illness and substance abuse in a way that is holistic and comprehensive. But for patients who are new to mental health and addiction recovery treatments, it can be confusing why these issues need their own separate program.

Let us explain.

In the past, patients with co-occurring disorders would go into either mental health or addiction recovery programs. And while these treatments would help resolve part of their problems, they did not prepare patients for long-term recovery.

Unfortunately, this often led patients to relapse after leaving treatment. Because their needs were only partially addressed, they generally had low chances of regaining control of their lives.

That is why our Co-Occurring Substance Use program approaches both of these issues simultaneously. It gives our patients the highest likelihood of recovery, and that is always our first priority.

Co-Occurring Substance Use Treatment Modalities

Not sure what to expect when you enroll in our co-occurring disorders program? Here is a look at some of the treatment options that we offer our patients:

  • Psychotherapy: In these one-on-one sessions, our patients meet with licensed mental health professionals to discuss their personal history, their concerns about their co-occurring disorders, and their goals for treatment. From here, our mental health professional will give them coping skills and personalized advice on improving their behavioral health.
  • Group Therapy: Patients come together to discuss their shared experiences with mental illness and addiction. These group sessions help patients identify self-destructive patterns and find new, healthier alternatives.
  • Activity and Exercise: Healthy exercise and nutrition habits are cornerstones of mental health. That’s why our treatment center gives patients key education on nutritional health and how to stick to an exercise regimen.
Medicare Accepted
Co-occurring substance use disorder and Dual Diagnosis

Co-occurring substance use disorder and Dual Diagnosis


Both “co-occurring substance use disorder” and “dual diagnosis” are often used interchangeably in the context of mental health and addiction treatment. Both terms refer to the presence of both a substance use disorder (such as alcohol or drug abuse or dependence) and another mental health disorder (such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder) occurring simultaneously in an individual. These co-occurring disorders can interact and influence each other, complicating diagnosis and treatment.

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