

Drug Trends: Middle Point Ohio Overdose Deaths Increased

 By now it is evident that drug overdose deaths increased substantially due to a variety of issues surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. However, in Middle Point, Ohio, overdose deaths increased at a noticeably greater rate than in the rest of the country. Learn more about drug trends and how to find help for yourself or...
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Zombies surrounding a pile of xylazine, or the zombie drug.

The Alarming Rise of the Zombie Drug and Flakka

The term “Zombie Drug” has gripped the public’s imagination, conjuring images of individuals in a trance-like, unresponsive state. This term broadly refers to drugs that drastically alter a person’s behavior and physical appearance, leading to zombie-like characteristics.   In recent years, Xylazine, a veterinary sedative, has become infamously linked to this term due to its...
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