
essential facts you need to know about alcohol - infographic

Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy: How Chronic Drinking Affects Your Heart

Alcohol might not cause you serious health issues in some cases. In fact, some studies have shown that moderate amounts of alcohol can actually lower your risk for heart disease. However, chronic or heavy alcohol use is another story. People who drink more may develop a condition called alcoholic cardiomyopathy. The good news is that...
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While in recovery, I learned a lot about my addiction

James’ Testimonial: A Journey to Redemption

James is an alumni patient at Ridgeview Hospital. He went through our program three times before achieving long term recovery. His first stint of treatment was in April of 2016, when his neighbor put on an intervention for James. The First Treatment At first, James was apprehensive about receiving treatment. Like many people in need...
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