
substance abuse
Addiction items on the table, alcohol, drugs, cigars and pills

Chemical Dependency in Ohio – Addiction Help

 The state of Ohio has a long history of chemical dependency and addiction. For example, the state was hit hard by the opioid epidemic in early the 2000s. In fact, Ohio was so affected by the opioid crisis that overdose deaths became the leading cause of injury-related fatalities beginning in 2007. Unfortunately, since the...
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woman fighting recovery

The Most Important Coping Skills In Recovery

Although many people who suffer from addiction find a way to sobriety, relapse is surprisingly common. In fact, among patients who have entered addiction recovery, 40-60% experience a relapse. While relapsing is not unexpected, it can sometimes come with dangerous consequences. For example, people who recover from addiction and start reusing drugs and alcohol may...
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Cycle of Psychological Addiction - infographic

The Vicious Cycle of Depression and Substance Abuse

Depression and addiction often work in cycles together. One may even contribute directly to another. Those suffering from depression have an increased likelihood of substance abuse while those with a substance use disorder are at an increased risk for depression. It’s a vicious cycle.  The majority of people with a depressive disorder who abuse substances...
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A man suffering from undiagnosed dual diagnosis symptoms struggles while self-medicating.

What is Dual Diagnosis?: The Intersection of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

Navigating the complex terrain of mental health and substance abuse can be overwhelming, especially when they co-occur. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the topic of dual diagnosis, shedding light on the various mental health conditions often linked with substance abuse, and why specialized treatment is imperative. Whether you or a loved one...
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Detoxing from Drugs While Pregnant: How to Stay Safe as You Quit

You can and should detox from drugs while pregnant. Choosing to detox from drugs at this time is a noble and courageous decision. Just admitting you are using drugs or alcohol while pregnant can be both embarrassing and terrifying. You may even be tempted to try quitting drugs on your own. However, detoxing alone can...
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Are Nootropics Addictive? What You Need to Know About Smart Drugs

Nootropics, also called ‘smart drugs,’ promise an easy way to boost performance at work, in school, or even to excel in video games. However, as with any drug, it’s helpful to know how their effects and risks. Most importantly, you need to answer the question, ‘Are nootropics addictive?’ Today, we’ll dig into the nitty gritty...
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How a Drug or Alcohol Addiction Affects Your Immune System

Consistent, prolonged, and excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs can weaken your immune system, making you more likely to get sick, struggle to fight off infections, develop sepsis, and are more prone to viral infections passed through blood or body fluids. Healing addiction and immune system weakness is possible. Contact the Woods at Parkside today...
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Medication for Addiction Treatment: What You Need To Know

If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, medication can potentially help you safely detox from drugs and minimize withdrawal symptoms. At Woods at Parkside, we offer medically supervised detox services, which helps you successfully start your path to recovery in a safe manner. The Woods at Parkside can help you learn about medications for...
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multiple pills and syringes

Best Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Middle Point

Your life might feel like it’s spinning out of control right now, or maybe a loved one is struggling and you don’t know what to do. Whatever it is that has brought you here today, we’re here to help. Finding the best substance abuse treatment center is an important step in building the foundation for...
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