
mental health treatment
What to Do if Therapy Isn't Working: 5 Tips to Try

What to Do if Therapy Isn’t Working: 5 Tips to Try

Therapy serves as an excellent tool to help thousands of individuals heal from mental health issues. However, finding the best type of therapy for your needs can be difficult and take time to yield tangible results. When these challenges persist, individuals may even start feeling worse or losing hope. This is often because they don’t...
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Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Is Best for Your Recovery?

Are you ready to begin rehab but don’t know where to start? The next step in your recovery journey is considering your options for treatment. At The Woods at Parkside, we offer both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs. Both options can be effective, but your unique situation will help determine what level of treatment you...
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how to get out of a depressive episode

How to Get Out of a Depressive Episode

Everyone goes through funks in life—times where nothing seems to go right. Thankfully, these sad periods tend to go away on their own without causing too much disturbance to daily life. But sometimes, these sad periods are much more severe, and they don’t seem to go away easily. These are depressive episodes, and they can...
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