How to Get Out of a Depressive Episode

Everyone goes through funks in life—times where nothing seems to go right. Thankfully, these sad periods tend to go away on their own without causing too much disturbance to daily life. But sometimes, these sad periods are much more severe, and they don’t seem to go away easily. These are depressive episodes, and they can indicate a larger problem that may need professional treatment. But why do some people get these periods of sadness? And what can you do about it? Keep reading for crucial information on depression and how to get out of a depressive episode.

What Is a Depressive Episode?

A man enduring a depressive epsiode, holding his head.

Put simply, depressive episodes are periods of low mood and other symptoms of depression. These are different from other periods of sadness in a few key ways, mostly relating to both severity and the duration.

For example, in a person who is not experiencing a depressive episode, their sadness should not greatly impact their day-to-day functions. They might feel less excited about things or experience temporary anxiety, but they will still be able to go to work and practice decent hygiene. Additionally, these negative feelings should dissipate within a week or so as new events happen and take primary mental focus.

On the other hand, depressive episodes work quite differently. First, they can present with much stronger depression symptoms, such as:

  • Lack of desire to do tasks that you used to enjoy
  • Trouble going to work or completing tasks
  • Feelings of intense guilt or sadness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Thoughts of suicide

With the symptoms established, it’s time to look at how long depressive episodes last. In order for a period of sadness to be classified as a depressive episode, some of these symptoms must last for two or more weeks. However, because of the cause of depressive episodes, this period of sadness and apathy is not likely to go away on its own. But before we get into how to get out of a depressive episode, it’s important to first understand how one happens in the first place.

Take your first step towards recovery.

What Causes Depressive Episodes?

If you are experiencing a depressive episode, it likely means that you are living with major depressive disorder. This is a common mental health issue, affecting almost eight percent of American adults. Generally, this condition manifests via major depressive episodes, where symptoms tend to flare up for weeks at a time.

Since depressive episodes are caused by an ongoing mental health condition, they are much more complicated to treat than a typical period of sadness. That said, there are ways to get out of a depressive episode, especially if you have professional help.

How to Get Out of a Depressive Episode

Thankfully, when it comes to getting out of a depressive episodes, you have many options you can try. Some of these solutions are things that you can try at home, while other, more intensive solutions require professional help. The way out of a depressive episode varies from person to person, but trying various solutions can help you find a path forward.

1. Track Your Symptoms

Journaling is a great way to monitor your depressive episodes and identify triggers. By recording your day and how you felt at various points throughout it, you can start to notice patterns in your depression. From there, it becomes easier to change your behaviors to avoid these depression triggers.

2. Indulge in Your Favorite Things

When you’re not in a depressive episode, what types of things make you happy? Whether it’s watching a comedy, reading a good book, or anything else, try to engage in activities that you know you enjoy. This can be hard, since part of a depressive episode can include not wanting to do things you usually enjoy. But if you go ahead and do them anyway, you may still get some of that enjoyment, which makes this a great coping skill for depression.

3. Reach Out to People You Care About

A woman, wondering how to get out of a depressive episode, hugs her friend.

Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, isolation makes depressive episodes even worse. In fact, there is evidence that loneliness and social isolation can greatly worsen an individual’s mental health. But by making plans with people you care about, you can get some much-needed social interaction, which can help you get out of your depressive episode. You don’t have to do anything big or special either—just inviting someone over to sit and talk or watch TV for a few hours can make a world of difference.

4. Try to Practice Gratitude

When you’re in the middle of a depressive episode, being grateful is probably one of the last things you want to do. But by identifying the good things in your life, the negatives can seem less overwhelming. And for anybody, there are a lot of benefits that get taken for granted every day—having a home, being healthy, and even just being alive.

5. Professional Mental Health Treatment

It can be hard to admit, but sometimes a depressive episode is too big to handle on your own. But accepting professional help is okay. In fact, in many cases it is the best way to get your life back on track and to get rid of your depressive episode.

At Ridgeview Hospital, our adult psychiatric program exists to help people with issues like depressive episodes. Through inpatient care with mental health professionals, we provide evidence-based treatments like:

  • Individual-focused therapy
  • Therapy groups
  • Proactive discharge planning

Does Depression Go Away?

The question of whether depression goes away is complex and varies from person to person. For some individuals experiencing a depressive episode, the condition may appear to dissipate over time, particularly with the right treatment and lifestyle changes. However, it’s important to understand that depression is often a chronic condition. For those with major depressive disorder, symptoms can recur in new episodes, sometimes triggered by stress, changes in life circumstances, or even without a clear reason.

If you’re asking “Does depression go away?”, the short answer is that symptoms can be managed effectively, especially with professional help. But the propensity for depressive episodes may linger, requiring ongoing treatment and vigilance. Treatments like medication, therapy, and lifestyle adjustments can help you lead a normal, fulfilling life even if you have a history of depression. This is why it’s crucial to engage with a healthcare provider for a diagnosis and treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs.

Next Steps

Understanding depression and its recurrent nature is the first step toward effective management. While lifestyle adjustments and self-care measures can offer some relief, professional help often makes the most significant impact. Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital specializes in treating depressive episodes and other mental health conditions through evidence-based treatments like individual-focused therapy and group sessions.

If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, don’t wait for the symptoms to manage themselves. Take the first step toward a happier, healthier life by contacting Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital today. Our expert team of mental health professionals is here to guide you through every stage of your recovery journey.

Call Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital today at 419-452-0483 to get the help you need.

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