If you’re searching for an Ohio rehab for alcohol, congratulations! You’ve made a big step in your recovery journey, and you’ve already cleared the first hurdle in quitting drinking. But if you’re not familiar with addiction treatment, it can be hard to figure out which alcohol addiction treatment centers in Ohio really work.
That’s why we’ve compiled essential information on how to find the right Ohio alcohol rehab near you. Keep reading for essential programs and evidence-based practices that you should be on the lookout for as you choose an alcohol addiction treatment center.
Can I Afford this Ohio Rehab for Alcohol?

When people start to look for addiction treatment, one of the first questions they ask is “How much does rehab in Ohio cost?” And while the answer can vary depending on where you go and what addiction treatment programs you need, there is a way to make sure that you’re choosing an alcohol rehabilitation center that’s within your budget.
First, the addiction treatment center should clearly name which insurance providers they are in-network with. If you’re on a government-funded program like Medicare, this information should be available on the same page.
But what do you do if you don’t see your insurance provider listed? Most Ohio rehabs for alcohol accept many more providers than what they can list on their website, so calling them with your insurance card ready is a great way to verify if they accept your insurance.
After you’ve made sure that you can afford an alcohol rehab that you’re interested in, it’s time to take a second look at their programs and offerings to make sure they’re what you need.
Which Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs Do I Need?
For most people who quit drinking, recovery starts with an alcohol detox program. This program usually lasts from seven to 10 days, and for most people, it’s the only reliable way to quit drinking.
This is because quitting drinking usually comes with alcohol withdrawal symptoms, which can wreak havoc on your newfound sobriety. This is because, while some symptoms are milder (e.g., anxiety, nausea, hot flashes), some can be outright dangerous.
The two most concerning symptoms are alcohol seizures and hallucinations, both of which can be greatly distressing and even life-threatening. In fact, alcohol withdrawals can be so severe that fear of them often stops people from trying to quit drinking in the first place. And in individuals who quit drinking at home, it’s common for withdrawal symptoms to lead to relapse after a brief period of abstinence.
But medically supervised alcohol detox can make all the difference. With 24/7 support and supervision, you can start your recovery confidently, knowing that your withdrawal symptoms will be treated if and when they arise, so you will be totally safe and kept as comfortable as possible.
Moreover, many individuals report that they feel more confident starting their recovery when they know that they can’t relapse immediately. In an Ohio rehab for alcohol addiction, there’s no need to worry about relapsing during this vulnerable stage of recovery because there is no alcohol nearby. In this way, alcohol detox can both empower you to start your recovery safely and greatly lower your risk of relapse.
However, recovery does not stop after you complete an alcohol detox. And which inpatient treatment program you choose could have lasting effects on your recovery.
What Comes After Alcohol Detox?

Picking the right kind of inpatient alcohol addiction treatment is crucial for your recovery. But there’s good news, too—when you find the right kind of treatment, it can greatly increase your chances at long-term sobriety. While research shows that only 25% of people who try to quit drinking seek professional help, in one long-term study researchers found that individuals who successfully abstained from alcohol for more than a year were more than two times as likely to have received professional addiction treatment.
One of the biggest factors in a successful program at an Ohio rehab for alcohol addiction is whether or not it addresses the underlying causes of addiction. For most people, they don’t start drinking heavily because their lives are perfect and they’re completely happy. Rather, individuals often drink to cope with negative feelings, some of which may be the result of trauma or an undiagnosed mental health condition.
For individuals who drink because of a mental health issue, addiction and the mental illness would be considered co-occurring disorders. This means that these issues develop alongside each other and each reinforces and worsens the side effects of the other. When this happens, traditional Ohio rehabs for alcohol addiction may not be effective, since they are not equipped to treat mental health issues.
Thankfully, dual diagnosis is an evidence-based, specially designed inpatient program that address both mental illness and addiction as two parts of the same issue. In this way, dual diagnosis programs can give you space to work on developing new coping skills, relapse prevention strategies, and plans for how to make healthier choices after rehab.
Finding the Best Ohio Rehab for Alcohol Addiction
Which rehab is the “best” will depend on who you are and what kind of help you need. But by looking at these different aspects of rehabilitation, you can make your own decision on which addiction treatment center is right for you.
If You Are Considering Rehab
More than anything, patients need to know that they will receive the best possible care. It’s important to remember that the care you need today may be different from the care you need tomorrow. There are many types of therapy available at Ridgeview Behavioral Hospital, so reach out if you need assistance in the Middle Point, Ohio area.
Call (419) 949-8590 to speak with one of our treatment specialists and learn more about our programs. Take our 😍 Mental Health Assessment or our 😵 Addiction Test.